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Hassan al-Banna
  Hasan al-Banna and the Ways and Means of Da'wah
Source: Cassette "Ma'naa Qawl ul-Hizbiyyeen"
Article ID : NDV020001  [35720]  
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So this then is one of the matters that is agreed upon unanimously with the Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. And these people when it is said to them: "Fear Allaah, and call to Allaah with what He has legislated", they say: "You are a simple naïve man, backward and opposing, not understanding and you desire from us that we do not use the microphone or the cassette or the car or other such matters in da'wah. So it is said in reply to them: "By Allaah there is no one on the face of this earth, a scholar or someone sensible, who says the likes of these words. And you know that with absolute certainty, but you are a despising people and you make permissible plotting and planning in your argumentation and you make permissible the use of deception and you make permissible - and refuge is from Allaah - lying and other such things that Allaah the Blessed and Exalted has forbidden. You make permissible all of that in the name of da'wah and in the name of reformation. And this matter which we have read to you is one of the gravest of matters. This man, from whom we have read his saying..."

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