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Hisham Kabbani
  Exposing Kabbani 1 : On Comparing Allaah to the Sun and Moon
Author: Abu Hudhayfah
Article ID : NDV070001  [23108]  
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(Nazim, Mercy Oceans - The Teachings of Maulana Abdullah al-Faizi ad-Daghestani, p. 9, 1980)

Kabbani ought therefore to take the following words of his that he has directed at others and apply them to his teachers: "Since when do created things serve as an analogy for the Creator?" (Kabbani, p.191)

After expressing disdain that Allaah has apparently been compared to the sun and moon, Kabbani, in contrast, is offended later in his book (pp. 197-198) by ibn al-Uthaymeen’s negation of the fact that none of the Prophets share in any of Allaah’s Divine Attributes. Kabbani hurriedly points out that, yes, the Prophets have been described with some of His Attributes! Once again he misses the point. Ibn al-Uthaymeen’s negation was to show that there is no similarity between the reality of Allaah’s attributes and those of the Prophets. Ibn al-Uthaymeen is fully aware that in a number of places in the Qur’aan both the Attributes of Allaah and those of the Prophets have been described using the same words.

Now here is the crux of the matter: Is Kabbani, by insisting that the Prophets are described with some of the Attributes of Allaah, falling into anthropomorphism?

Or put another way: Does, for example, saying that Allaah has the Attribute of Life and Knowledge and at the same time affirming that the Prophets and indeed others from the creation also have life and knowledge cause the speaker to fall into the very same abyss of tashbeeh (anthropomorphism) that Kabbani is quick to accuse others of?

Or is this merely a resemblance in wording and not in the true reality of such attributes?

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