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Hisham Kabbani
  Exposing Kabbani 12 : Kabbani and the Usage of the Term 'Bi Dhaatihi'
Author: Abu Hudhayfah
Article ID : NDV070012  [21061]  
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"The Finger is an Attribute from amongst the Attributes of Allaah, and likewise everything of this nature that occurs in the Book and Sunnah, for example the Face (Wajh), Eye (Ayn), Hand (Yad), Leg (Rijl), Coming (Ityaan and Majee), and the Descent to the Lowest Heaven, His Rising over His Throne, Laughter (Dahk), Joy (Farh)… these and their likes are Attributes of Allaah in which it is obligatory to have faith, leaving them upon their literal meanings, turning away from ta’weel and keeping a distance from resemblance, along with the belief that none of the Attributes of the Creator resemble anything from the attributes of the creation, just as His Self does not resemble the selves of the creation. Allaah said: "There is nothing like Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing." It was upon this that the Salaf of this nation and the scholars of the Sunnah were upon, they accepted them all with faith and stayed away from likening Allaah to His creation and ta’weel. They relegated the knowledge of the ‘how’ (of the Attributes) to Allaah." (Sharh as-Sunnah, 1/170, of al-Baghawee)

This is the very revival of the Sunnah that Kabbani is seeking to stamp out!

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