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  The Understanding of Tabarruk with Ahl us-Sunnah
Author: Salih bin `Abdul-`Aziz bin Muhammad Aal ash-Shaikh
Source: Hadhihi Mafahimuna (Eng trans. and additions by Abu Iyad)
Article ID : TAW040001  [34162]  
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2. Whatever has been placed on the Earth, is also from His Blessings.

  • And We have placed therein Mountains on top of it and we have placed blessings (barakah) therein 41:10
  • …The eastern and western parts of the earth, in which We had placed blessing (barakah) 7:137

3. Blessings in whatever comes down from the heavens and what comes out of the earth

  • And if the people of the towns had believed and feared Allaah (taqwaa) We certainly would have opened for them blessings from the heavens and the earth

There are other examples similar to these in which there is the general (restricted) type of barakah from by which benefit, goodness, growth and increase is obtained. However, it is not always the case that everything that comes from the heavens and earth that it always brings barakah. This is dependent upon other things, which if they are found, the barakah is given and if they are not, then the barakah will end. Hence, this is not absolute barakah and this thing does not in and of itself produce barakah. Eg. The rain might come down, but if it is not followed up by some sunshine and if the soil is not right, then the crops will not go. So this type of barakah sometimes occurs and sometimes it does not occur.

As for the absolute and specific type of barakah then that can be found in the following things:

1. The Prophets and the Messengers

  • And We blessed him and Ishaaq 37:113
  • O Nuh, come down from the ship with peace from Us and blessings on 11:48
  • And make me blessed wherever I may be 19:31

2. The Places of Worship

  • Glorified and Exalted is He Who took His Slave (Muhammad) for a journey by night from Masjid ul-Haram to Masjid ul-Aqsa, the neighbourhood of which we have blessed 17:1
  • Verily the first House (of worship) appointed from Mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing and guidance for the world (men and jinn) 3:96

3. Whatever Allaah has sent down of guidance and revelation

  • And this is a Blessed Reminder which We have sent down. Will you then deny it? [21:50]
  • And this is Blessed Book which We have sent down 6:155
  • This is a Book which we have sent down to you, full of blessings, that they may ponder over its verses 38:29

Hence the Qur’an is a Blessed Reminder, and reflecting upon its verses is a blessed action. From this reflection is the various sciences of the Qur’an, and also the Sunnah explains the general meanings of the Quran. So following the Qur’an and the Sunnah is blessed. And likewise, all the various sciences which arise from reflecting upon the verses of the Qur’an and understanding the Sunnah are also blessed. So the reciter, the jurist, the muhaddith then all of them perform actions which are blessed.

The above three examples contain the specific, unrestricted barakah. In other words, these things physically and as part of their essence contain and bring about barakah.

However, one or two clarifications need to be made here:

Firstly: The specific type of barakah in the places of worship such as Masjidul-Haram and Masjid ul-Aqsaa, then the barakah which they contain is not obtained by the physical parts of the masjid, such as the walls, the floor or the pillars etc. And it is a unanimous agreement of the Muslims that no one touches the pillars or walls of the Mosque seeking barakah thereby. However, the mosques are blessed and this is understood to mean the growth and increase in a person’s eemaan and subsequently in his sustenance etc. Also the increase in goodness that a worshipper attains when visiting them.

Thus, the reward for prayer in the Masjid is 25 or 27 times more than prayer at home, or alone. Then prayer in Masjid ul-Haram is 100,000 times more than in any other mosque. The prayer in the Prophet’s mosque is 1000 times better than the prayer in other mosques. And prayer in Masjid ul-Aqsaa is 500 times better than the prayer in other mosques. And thus, what is understood from this is the actual reward and benefit that a servant gets through a Masjid, since it is a place of worship, and knowledge and teaching etc.

Secondly: The Messengers and Prophets have two types of Barakah. The barakah of ittibaa’ and righteous action is also one of the two types of blessings of the Prophets and Messengers. Hence the follower of their Sunnah, who guides himself by their guidance will obtain growth and increase in the reward for his actions on account of having followed them.

The Barakah in The Book and the Sunnah is of Two Types

After this initial introduction has been made, it should now be clear that the Barakah in the Book and the Sunnah is of two types.

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