Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah
by Al-Barbahaaree
Trans. Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank
Select Point
1: The Sunnah is Islaam and Islaam is the Sunnah...
2: From the Sunnah is Clinging to the Jamaa'ah...
3: The Companions Are The Foundation of the Jamaa'ah...
4: All The Affairs Have Been Made Clear By the Sunnah and Jamaa...
5: Adhering to the Understanding of the Companions...
6: All Innovation (in the Religion) is Misguidance...
7: All Major Innovations and Deviations Begin Small and Insigni...
8: Care With Respect to the Affairs of Knowledge and Religion...
9: The Two Ways to Leave the Straight Path...
10: Islam is Complete and Requires Only Submission...
11: There Are No Analogies For The Sunnah...
12: Censure of Debating and Arguing...
13: Speculative Speech About Allaah Is A Heretical Innovation...
14: Allaah is The First and the Last And His Knowledge Encompass...
15: Concerning The Speech of Allaah And Questioning the Attribut...
16: Seeing Allaah In The Hereafter...
17: Belief In The Scales (Meezaan)...
18: To have Faith in the punishment of the grave...
19: To have Faith in the Pool (Hawd) of Allah’s Messenger....
20: To have Faith in the Intercession of Allah’s Messenger....
21: To have Faith in the Bridge over Hell....
22: To have Faith in the Prophets and Angels....
23: To have Faith that Paradise and the Fire are true and both a...
24: Adam (alaihis salaam) was in Paradise, but was removed from ...
25: To have Faith in al-Maseehud-Dajjaal....
26: To have Faith in the descent of 'Eesaa (alaihis salaam)....
27: Eemaan (Faith) comprises of speech, action and beliefs and i...
28: The best of the Companions of Allah's Messenger....
29: To obey the rulers in that which Allah loves and is pleased ...
30: It is not permissible to spend a night thinking that one has...
31: The prayer is performed behind the rulers and Hajj and Jihaa...
32: Khilaafah will remain within the Quraish until the descent o...
33: Whoever rebels against a Muslim ruler is one of the Khawaari...
34: It is neither permissible to fight the ruler or to rebel aga...
35: It is permissible to fight the Khawaarij if they attack the ...
36: Obedience is only in what is good....
37: Do not bear witness that a person is an inhabitant of Paradi...
38: Allah accepts the repentance of all sins....
39: Stoning is true....
40: Wiping over the socks is from the Sunnah....
41: It is from the Sunnah to shorten the prayer whilst travellin...
42: One may either fast or abstain from fasting whilst travellin...
43: Praying whilst wearing loose trousers....
44: Hypocrisy is proclaiming belief, whilst concealing disbelief...
45: The world is the place of Eeman....
46: There are believers and Muslims amongst the nation of Muhamm...
47: However, we do not bear witness that a person is a true and ...
48: The Sunnah is to offer the funeral prayer for all the people...
49: The title of believer is only removed due to certain factors...
50: One must accept all narrations from Allah and His Messenger ...
51: Whoever claims to have seen Allah in the world is a disbelie...
52: Reflecting deeply upon Allah is an innovation....
53: All of Allah’s creation act upon His command....
54: Allah’s knowledge comprehends all matters: those that take p...
55: There is no marriage without a guardian....
56: Divorcing a wife three times makes her unlawful....
57: The blood of a Muslim is haraam except in three cases....
58: Some of Allah’s creation will come to an end, whilst others ...
59: Allah will bring about Justice for all of His creation....
60: The actions of the slaves must be done with sincerity for Al...
61: One must accept and be pleased with the decree of Allah....
62: The funeral prayer consists of four takbeers....
63: An angel descends with every raindrop....
64: The dead mushriks heard the Messenger’s (sallallaahu alaihi ...
65: Allah removes sins due to illness....
66: Allah rewards the martyr....
67: Children feel pain in this world....
68: No one enters Paradise except by the Mercy of Allah....
69: Doubt the Islam of one who does not accept the hadeeth of th...
70: The Qur’an needs the Sunnah to explain it....
71: Unwarranted speech about Allah’s Pre-Decree is forbidden...
72: To have faith in the Messenger’s visit to the Heavens...
73: The souls of the martyrs are within the bellies of green bir...
74: The soul of the deceased is returned to his body and he is q...
75: A Point Concerning the Decree of Allaah...
76: One must have Faith that Allah spoke to Moosaa (alaihis sala...
77: Every person is given intellect and each must act according ...
78: Allah has blessed some people more than others and He has do...
79: Whoever hides sincere advice from the Muslims has acted dece...
80: Allah, the Blessed and Most High, hears, sees and knows...
81: A person may receive one of three tidings when he dies...
82: Denying the believers’ seeing Allah with their eyes in Parad...
83: Rhetoric (kalaam) causes disbelief, doubts, innovations, mis...
84: Allah will punish the creation inside the Fire, not near the...
85: The obligatory prayers are five and have their stated times ...
86: The obligation of the Zakah...
87: The beginning of Islam is the testification of Faith...
88: Whatever Allah says is true...
89: To have faith in the Sharee’ah...
90: The servant should always have caution and fear, since he do...
91: One should hope in Allah’s Mercy and be fearful on account o...
92: One must have Faith that Allah showed the Prophet what would...
93: The religion was a single Jamaa’ah and then the people split...
94: Temporary marriage is forbidden...
95: The excellence of the tribe of Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi ...
96: The religion lies in following the way of the Messenger and ...
97: Whoever says that the recitation of the Qur’an is created is...
98: The Jahmiyyah were ruined due to their pondering about Allah...
99: The deviation of the Jahmee...
100: There has never been any heresy except from the ignorant one...