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Introductory Materials
  An Explanation of the Truth of Monotheism
Author: Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan
Source: Trans. M.S. Dabas
Article ID : TAW020001  [153306]  
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1. H.Q. A’raf (Heights) 7:59.
2. H.Q. NahI (Bce) 16 : 36.
3. H.Q. Zanyat (winds that Scatter) 5 : 56.
4. Sahih Bukhari 13/300 (Arabic Edition). and Muslim, 30
5. H.O. Isra (The Children of Israel) 17:23
6. H.Q. Anarn (Cattle) 6:151.
7. H.O. Fatiha 1: 5.
8. Sahih Muslim No. 2047 (Arabic Edition).
9. H.Q. Baqarah (Cow) 2 : 23.
10. H.O. Yunus (Jonah) 10 :19.
11. Ibn Kathir, Meaning of the Holy Ouran 1: 250.
12 Ihn-u1- Oaiyyim : Ighathatul-Lahfan 2 : 201.
13. H.Q. Nuh (Noah) 71: 23.
14. Sahih Bukhari 6 : 133.
15. Ibn-ul-Qaiyim, Ighathatul-Lahfan 2 : 202.
16. Ibid : 2 : 218, 219,229, 230,231,233.
17. H.Q. Yunus 10 : 31.
18. H.O. Sad (The letter sad) 38 : 5.
19. H.Q. Aam (Cattle) 6 :102.
20. H.Q. Zumar (The Crowds) 39 : 38.
21. H.Q. Jathiyah (Bowing the Knee) 45 : 24.
22. H.Q. Tur (Mount) 52 : 35-6.
23. H.Q. Luqman (The wise) 31:11.
24. H.Q. Ahqaf (Winding Sand Tracts) 46 :4.
25. H.Q. Isra (The Children of Israel) 17 :102.
26. H.Q. Naml (Ants) 27 :14.
27. H.Q. Ankabut (Spider) 29 : 38.
28. H.Q. Baqarah (Cow) 2 21-2.
29. H.O. Zukhruf (Gold Adornments) 43 26-7.
30. H.Q. Nahi (Bee) 16 : 36.
31. H.Q. Baqarah (Cow) 2 :256.
32. H.Q. Fath (Victory) 48 :10.
33. H.Q. Sad (The letter Sad) 38 : 5.
34. H.Q. Ataf (Reights) 7 : 70.
35. H.Q. Hud 11: 62.
36. H.Q. Nuh (Noah) 71: 23.
37. As reported by Philosophers. See also "Risalat-ut.Tawhid" of Md. Abduh.
38. H.Q. Zakhruf (Gold Adornments) 43 :23.
39. H.Q. Maidah (The Table) 5 :104.
40. H.Q. Baqarah (Cow) 2 :170.
41. H.Q. Yousuf (Joseph) j9 38.
42. H.Q.Tur (Mount)52 :21.
43. H.Q. Muminun (The Believers) 23 23-4.
44. H.Q. Hud 11: 62.
45. H.Q. Hud 11: 87.
46. H.Q. 5huaraa (The Poets) 26 : 70-74.
47. H.Q.Taha 20:51.
48. H.Q. Anam (Cattle) 6 :148.
49. H.Q. Nahi (Bee) 16 35.
50. H.Q. Zukhruf (Gold Adornments) 43 : 20.
51. Ibn Kathir, Tafsir. 2 :186.
52. Ibid; 2 : 586-7.
53. H.Q. Nahl (Bee) 16 : 36.
54. H.Q. Anbiya (The Prophets) 21:25.
55. H.Q. Zukhruf (Gold Adornments) 43 : 45.
56. H.Q. Nahi (Bee) 16 : 36.
57. H.O. AI-Zumar (The Crowds) 39
58. Sahih Muslim (Arabic Edition) : 456.
59 Ibid 153.
60. Sahih Bukhari 13 : 300 (Fath-ul-Bari).
61. See Sunan Abu Dawood (Arabic Edition) No.4252 concerning afflictions.
62. H.Q. Ai-Zumar (The Crowds) 39 : 3.
63. H.Q. Yunus 10:18.
64. H.Q. Zurnar (The Crowds) 39 : 44.
65. H.Q. Baqarah (Cow) 2 : 255.
66. H.Q. Anbiya (The Prophets) : 28.
67. H.Q. Najrn (The Star) 53 : 26.
68. H,Q.Taha20: 09.
69. H.Q. AI-Zumar (The Crowds) 39 44.
70. H.Q. Yunus 10 : 62-4.
71. H.Q. Maidab (The Table) 5 : 77.
72. Sahih Bukhari.(Arabic Edition) 6 : 478.
73. H.Q. Cihafir (The Believer) 40 : 60.
74. H.Q. Baqarah 2 :186.
75. H.Q. Araf (The Heights) 7 : 55.
76. H.Q. Chafir (The Believer) 40 : 65.
77. H.Q. Isra (The Children of Israel) 17 : 57.
78. Ibn Kathir Interpretation of the Holy Quran 3 : 46.
79. lbn Taimiyahs Fatwa 11:529
80. H.Q. Maidah (The Table) 5 :35.
81 H.Q. Isra (The Children of Israel 17 : 57.
82. H.O. Araf (The Heights) 7 : 180.
83. H.Q. Anbiya (The Prophets) 21: 83.
84. H.Q. Mariam (Mary) 19 : 4
85. H.Q. Anbiya (The Prophets) 21-87.
86. H.Q. AI-Imran (The Family of Imran) 3 :193.
87. Sahih Bukhari (Arabic Edition) 4 : 369-70.
88. Abu Dawood No.1498, Tirmidhi No.3557.
89. Tirmidhi No.3573.
90. lbn Taimiyah's Collection of Verdicts 1: 319,346.
91. H.Q. Nisa (Women) 4 : 64
92. H.Q. Al-Muminun (The Bclievers) 23 :117.
93. H.O. Ibrahim 14: 10.
94. H.Q. Baqarah (Cow) 2 : 21-2.
95. H.Q. Luqrnan (The Wise) 31:13
96. H.Q. Nisa (Women) 4 : 48.
97. H.Q. Maidah (Table) 5 : 72.
98. H.Q. Tawbah (Repentance) 9: 28
99. H.Q. Tawbab (Repentance) 9: 5
100 H.Q. Hajj (Pilgrimage) 22 :31.
101. H.Q. Baqarah (Cow) 2: 221.
102. H.Q. Zumar (The Crowds) 39: 65.
103. H.Q. Anam (Cattle) 6: 58.
104. H.Q. Saffat (Those Ranged in Ranks) 37 180-182.
105. H,Q. Nahl (Bee) 16 :1.
106. H.Q. IsTa (Children of Israel) 17 : 43.

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