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The Book of Bathing

Hadeeth No. 249 - Narrated 'Aisha:

Whenever the Prophet took a bath after Janaba he started by washing his hands and then performed ablution like that for the prayer. After that he would put his fingers in water and move the roots of his hair with them, and then pour three handfuls of water over his head and then pour water all over his body.

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Hadeeth No. 250 - Narrated Maimuna:

(the wife of the Prophet) Allah's Apostle performed ablution like that for the prayer but did not wash his feet. He washed off the discharge from his private parts and then poured water over his body. He withdrew his feet from that place (the place where he took the bath) and then washed them. And that was his way of taking the bath of Janaba.

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Hadeeth No. 251 - Narrated 'Aisha:

The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot called 'Faraq'.

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Hadeeth No. 252 - Narrated Abu Salama:

'Aisha's brother and I went to 'Aisha and he asked her about the bath of the Prophet. She brought a pot containing about a Sa' of water and took a bath and poured it over her head and at what time there was a screen between her and us.

Hadeeth No. 253 - Narrated Abu Ja'far:

While I and my father were with Jabir bin 'Abdullah, some People asked him about taking a bath He replied, "A Sa' of water is sufficient for you." A man said, "A Sa' is not sufficient for me." Jabir said, "A Sa was sufficient for one who had more hair than you and was better than you (meaning the Prophet)." And then Jabir (put on) his garment and led the prayer.

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Hadeeth No. 254 - Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

The Prophet and Maimuna used to take a bath from a single pot.

ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ äÚíã ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ Èä ÚííäÉ Úä ÚãÑæ Úä ÌÇÈÑ Èä ÒíÏ Úä Èä ÚÈÇÓ Ãä ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã æãíãæäÉ ßÇäÇ íÛÊÓáÇä ãä ÅäÇÁ æÇÍÏ æÞÇá íÒíÏ Èä åÇÑæä æÈåÒ æÇáÌÏí Úä ÔÚÈÉ ÞÏÑ ÕÇÚ
Hadeeth No. 255 - Narrated Jubair bin Mutim:

Allah's Apostle said, "As for me, I pour water three times on my head." And he pointed with both his hands.

ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ äÚíã ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÒåíÑ Úä ÃÈí ÅÓÍÇÞ ÞÇá ÍÏËäí ÓáíãÇä Èä ÕÑÏ ÞÇá ÍÏËäí ÌÈíÑ Èä ãØÚã ÞÇá ÞÇá ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÃãÇ ÃäÇ ÝÃÝíÖ Úáì ÑÃÓí ËáÇËÇ æÃÔÇÑ ÈíÏíå ßáÊíåãÇ
Hadeeth No. 256 - Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:

The Prophet used to pour water three times on his head.

ÍÏËäÇ ãÍãÏ Èä ÈÔÇÑ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÛäÏÑ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÔÚÈÉ Úä ãÎæá Èä ÑÇÔÏ Úä ãÍãÏ Èä Úáí Úä ÌÇÈÑ Èä ÚÈÏ Çááå ÞÇá ßÇä ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã íÝÑÛ Úáì ÑÃÓå ËáÇËÇ
Hadeeth No. 257 - Narrated Abu Ja'far:

Jabir bin Abdullah said to me, "Your cousin (Hasan bin Muhammad bin Al-Hanafiya) came to me and asked about the bath of Janaba. I replied, 'The Prophet uses to take three handfuls of water, pour them on his head and then pour more water over his body.' Al-Hasan said to me, 'I am a hairy man.' I replied, 'The Prophet had more hair than you'. "

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Hadeeth No. 258 - Narrated Maimuna:

I placed water for the bath of the Prophet. He washed his hands twice or thrice and then poured water on his left hand and washed his private parts. He rubbed his hands over the earth (and cleaned them), rinsed his mouth, washed his nose by putting water in it and blowing it out, washed his face and both forearms and then poured water over his body. Then he withdrew from that place and washed his feet.

ÍÏËäÇ ãæÓì ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏ ÇáæÇÍÏ Úä ÇáÃÚãÔ Úä ÓÇáã Èä ÃÈí ÇáÌÚÏ Úä ßÑíÈ Úä Èä ÚÈÇÓ ÞÇá ÞÇáÊ ãíãæäÉ æÖÚÊ ááäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ãÇÁ ááÛÓá ÝÛÓá íÏíå ãÑÊíä Ãæ ËáÇËÇ Ëã ÃÝÑÛ Úáì ÔãÇáå ÝÛÓá ãÐÇßíÑå Ëã ãÓÍ íÏå ÈÇáÃÑÖ Ëã ãÖãÖ æÇÓÊäÔÞ æÛÓá æÌåå æíÏíå Ëã ÃÝÇÖ Úáì ÌÓÏå Ëã ÊÍæá ãä ãßÇäå ÝÛÓá ÞÏãíå
Hadeeth No. 259 - Narrated 'Aisha:

Whenever the Prophet took the bath of Janaba (sexual relation or wet dream) he asked for the Hilab or some other scent. He used to take it in his hand, rub it first over the right side of his head and then over the left and then rub the middle of his head with both hands.

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Hadeeth No. 260 - Narrated Maimuna:

I placed water for the bath of the Prophet and he poured water with his right hand on his left and washed them. Then he washed his private parts and rubbed his hands on the ground, washed them with water, rinsed his mouth and washed his nose by putting water in it and blowing it out, washed his face and poured water on his head. He withdrew from that place and washed his feet. A piece of cloth (towel) was given to him but he did not use it.

ÍÏËäÇ ÚãÑ Èä ÍÝÕ Èä ÛíÇË ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈí ÍÏËäÇ ÇáÃÚãÔ ÞÇá ÍÏËäí ÓÇáã Úä ßÑíÈ Úä Èä ÚÈÇÓ ÞÇá ÍÏËÊäÇ ãíãæäÉ ÞÇáÊ ÕÈÈÊ ááäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÛÓáÇ ÝÃÝÑÛ Èíãíäå Úáì íÓÇÑå ÝÛÓáåãÇ Ëã ÛÓá ÝÑÌå Ëã ÞÇá ÈíÏå ÇáÃÑÖ ÝãÓÍåÇ ÈÇáÊÑÇÈ Ëã ÛÓáåÇ Ëã ÊãÖãÖ æÇÓÊäÔÞ Ëã ÛÓá æÌåå æÃÝÇÖ Úáì ÑÃÓå Ëã ÊäÍì ÝÛÓá ÞÏãíå Ëã ÃÊí ÈãäÏíá Ýáã íäÝÖ ÈåÇ
Hadeeth No. 261 - Narrated Maimuna:

The Prophet took the bath of Janaba. (sexual relation or wet dream). He first cleaned his private parts with his hand, and then rubbed it(that hand) on the wall (earth) and washed it. Then he performed ablution like that for the prayer, and after the bath he washed his feet.

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Hadeeth No. 262 - Narrated Aisha:

The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot of water and our hands used to go in the pot after each other in turn.

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Hadeeth No. 263 - Narrated 'Aisha:

Whenever Allah's Apostle took a bath of Janaba, he washed his hands first.

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Hadeeth No. 264 - Narrated 'Aisha:

The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot of water after Janaba.

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Hadeeth No. 265 - Narrated Anas bin Malik:

the Prophet and one of his wives used to take a bath from a single pot of water. (Shu'ba added to Anas's Statement "After the Janaba")

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Hadeeth No. 266 - Narrated Maimuna:

I placed water for the bath of Allah's Apostle and he poured water over his hands and washed them twice or thrice; then he poured water with his right hand over his left and washed his private parts (with his left hand). He rubbed his hand over the earth and rinsed his mouth and washed his nose by putting water in it and blowing it out. After that he washed his face, both fore arms and head thrice and then poured water over his body. He withdrew from that place and washed his feet.

ÍÏËäÇ ãÍãÏ Èä ãÍÈæÈ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏ ÇáæÇÍÏ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÇáÃÚãÔ Úä ÓÇáã Èä ÃÈí ÇáÌÚÏ Úä ßÑíÈ ãæáì Èä ÚÈÇÓ Úä Èä ÚÈÇÓ ÞÇá ÞÇáÊ ãíãæäÉ æÖÚÊ áÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ãÇÁ íÛÊÓá Èå ÝÃÝÑÛ Úáì íÏíå ÝÛÓáåãÇ ãÑÊíä ãÑÊíä Ãæ ËáÇËÇ Ëã ÃÝÑÛ Èíãíäå Úáì ÔãÇáå ÝÛÓá ãÐÇßíÑå Ëã Ïáß íÏå ÈÇáÃÑÖ Ëã ãÖãÖ æÇÓÊäÔÞ Ëã ÛÓá æÌåå æíÏíå æÛÓá ÑÃÓå ËáÇËÇ Ëã ÃÝÑÛ Úáì ÌÓÏå Ëã ÊäÍì ãä ãÞÇãå ÝÛÓá ÞÏãíå
Hadeeth No. 267 - Narrated Maimuna bint Al-Harith:

I placed water for the bath of Allah's Apostle and put a screen. He poured water over his hands, and washed them once or twice. (The subnarrator added that he did not remember if she had said thrice or not). Then he poured water with his right hand over his left one and washed his private parts. He rubbed his hand over the earth or the wall and washed it. He rinsed his mouth and washed his nose by putting water in it and blowing it out. He washed his face, forearms and head. He poured water over his body and then withdrew from that place and washed his feet. I presented him a piece of cloth (towel) and he pointed with his hand (that he does not want it) and did not take it.

ÍÏËäÇ ãæÓì Èä ÅÓãÇÚíá ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ ÚæÇäÉ ÍÏËäÇ ÇáÃÚãÔ Úä ÓÇáã Èä ÃÈí ÇáÌÚÏ Úä ßÑíÈ ãæáì Èä ÚÈÇÓ Úä Èä ÚÈÇÓ Úä ãíãæäÉ ÈäÊ ÇáÍÇÑË ÞÇáÊ æÖÚÊ áÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÛÓáÇ æÓÊÑÊå ÝÕÈ Úáì íÏå ÝÛÓáåÇ ãÑÉ Ãæ ãÑÊíä ÞÇá ÓáíãÇä áÇ ÃÏÑí ÃÐßÑ ÇáËÇáËÉ Ãã áÇ Ëã ÃÝÑÛ Èíãíäå Úáì ÔãÇáå ÝÛÓá ÝÑÌå Ëã Ïáß íÏå ÈÇáÃÑÖ Ãæ ÈÇáÍÇÆØ Ëã ÊãÖãÖ æÇÓÊäÔÞ æÛÓá æÌåå æíÏíå æÛÓá ÑÃÓå Ëã ÕÈ Úáì ÌÓÏå Ëã ÊäÍì ÝÛÓá ÞÏãíå ÝäÇæáÊå ÎÑÞÉ ÝÞÇá ÈíÏå åßÐÇ æáã íÑÏåÇ
Hadeeth No. 268 - Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Muntathir:

on the authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha (about the Hadith of Ibn 'Umar). She said, "May Allah be Merciful to Abu 'Abdur-Rahman. I used to put scent on Allah's Apostle and he used to go round his wives, and in the morning he assumed the Ihram, and the fragrance of scent was still coming out from his body."

ÍÏËäÇ ãÍãÏ Èä ÈÔÇÑ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ Èä ÃÈí ÚÏí æíÍíì Èä ÓÚíÏ Úä ÔÚÈÉ Úä ÅÈÑÇåíã Èä ãÍãÏ Èä ÇáãäÊÔÑ Úä ÃÈíå ÞÇá ÐßÑÊå áÚÇÆÔÉ ÝÞÇáÊ íÑÍã Çááå ÃÈÇ ÚÈÏ ÇáÑÍãä ßäÊ ÃØíÈ ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÝíØæÝ Úáì äÓÇÆå Ëã íÕÈÍ ãÍÑãÇ íäÖÎ ØíÈÇ
Hadeeth No. 269 - Narrated Qatada:

Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven).

ÍÏËäÇ ãÍãÏ Èä ÈÔÇÑ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ãÚÇÐ Èä åÔÇã ÞÇá ÍÏËäí ÃÈí Úä ÞÊÇÏÉ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÃäÓ Èä ãÇáß ÞÇá ßÇä ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã íÏæÑ Úáì äÓÇÆå Ýí ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáæÇÍÏÉ ãä Çááíá æÇáäåÇÑ æåä ÅÍÏì ÚÔÑÉ ÞÇá ÞáÊ áÃäÓ Ãæ ßÇä íØíÞå ÞÇá ßäÇ äÊÍÏË Ãäå ÃÚØí ÞæÉ ËáÇËíä æÞÇá ÓÚíÏ Úä ÞÊÇÏÉ Åä ÃäÓÇ ÍÏËåã ÊÓÚ äÓæÉ
Hadeeth No. 270 - Narrated 'Ali:

I used to get emotional urethral discharge frequently. Being the son-in-law of the Prophet I requested a man to ask him about it. So the man asked the Prophet about it. The Prophet replied, "Perform ablution after washing your organ (penis)."

ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ ÇáæáíÏ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÒÇÆÏÉ Úä ÃÈí ÍÕíä Úä ÃÈí ÚÈÏ ÇáÑÍãä Úä Úáí ÞÇá ßäÊ ÑÌáÇ ãÐÇÁ ÝÃãÑÊ ÑÌáÇ Ãä íÓÃá ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã áãßÇä ÇÈäÊå ÝÓÃá ÝÞÇá ÊæÖà æÇÛÓá ÐßÑß
Hadeeth No. 271 - Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Muntathir:

on the authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha about the saying of Ibn 'Umar(i.e. he did not like to be a Muhrim while the smell of scent was still coming from his body). 'Aisha said, "I scented Allah's Apostle and he went round (had sexual intercourse with) all his wives, and in the morning he was Muhrim (after taking a bath)."

ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ ÇáäÚãÇä ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ ÚæÇäÉ Úä ÅÈÑÇåíã Èä ãÍãÏ Èä ÇáãäÊÔÑ Úä ÃÈíå ÞÇá ÓÃáÊ ÚÇÆÔÉ ÝÐßÑÊ áåÇ Þæá Èä ÚãÑ ãÇ ÃÍÈ Ãä ÃÕÈÍ ãÍÑãÇ ÃäÖÎ ØíÈÇ ÝÞÇáÊ ÚÇÆÔÉ ÃäÇ ØíÈÊ ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã Ëã ØÇÝ Ýí äÓÇÆå Ëã ÃÕÈÍ ãÍÑãÇ
Hadeeth No. 272 - Narrated 'Aisha:

It is as if I am just looking at the glitter of scent in the parting of the Prophet's head hair while he was a Muhrim.

ÍÏËäÇ ÂÏã ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÔÚÈÉ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÇáÍßã Úä ÅÈÑÇåíã Úä ÇáÃÓæÏ Úä ÚÇÆÔÉ ÞÇáÊ ßÃäí ÃäÙÑ Åáì æÈíÕ ÇáØíÈ Ýí ãÝÑÞ ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã æåæ ãÍÑã
Hadeeth No. 273 - Narrated Hisham bin 'Urwa:

(on the authority of his father) 'Aisha said, "Whenever Allah's Apostle took the bath of Janaba, he cleaned his hands and performed ablution like that for prayer and then took a bath and rubbed his hair, till he felt that the whole skin of the head had become wet, then he would pour water thrice and wash the rest of the body." 'Aisha further said, "I and Allah's Apostle used to take a bath from a single water container, from which we took water simultaneously."

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Hadeeth No. 274 - Narrated Maimuna:

Water was placed for the ablution of Allah's Apostle after Janaba. He poured water with his right hand over his left twice or thrice and then washed his private parts and rubbed his hand on the earth or on a wall twice or thrice and then rinsed his mouth, washed his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out arid then washed his face and forearms and poured water over his head and washed his body. Then he shifted from that place and washed his feet. I brought a piece of cloth, but he did not take it and removed the traces of water from his body with his hand."

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Hadeeth No. 275 - Narrated Abu Huraira:

Once the call (Iqama) for the prayer was announced and the rows were straightened. Allah's Apostle came out; and when he stood up at his Musalla, he remembered that he was Junub. Then he ordered us to stay at our places and went to take a bath and then returned with water dropping from his head. He said, "Allahu-Akbar", and we all offered the prayer with him.

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Hadeeth No. 276 - Narrated Maimuna:

I placed water for the bath of the Prophet and screened him with a garment. He poured water over his hands and washed them. After that he poured water with his right hand over his left and washed his private parts, rubbed his hands with earth and washed them, rinsed his mouth, washed his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out and then washed his face and forearms. He poured water over his head and body. He then shifted from that place and washed his feet. I gave him a piece of cloth but he did not take it and came out removing the water (from his body) with both his hands.

ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏÇä ÞÇá ÃÎÈÑäÇ ÃÈæ ÍãÒÉ ÞÇá ÓãÚÊ ÇáÃÚãÔ Úä ÓÇáã Úä ßÑíÈ Úä Èä ÚÈÇÓ ÞÇá ÞÇáÊ ãíãæäÉ æÖÚÊ ááäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÛÓáÇ ÝÓÊÑÊå ÈËæÈ æÕÈ Úáì íÏíå ÝÛÓáåãÇ Ëã ÕÈ Èíãíäå Úáì ÔãÇáå ÝÛÓá ÝÑÌå ÝÖÑÈ ÈíÏå ÇáÃÑÖ ÝãÓÍåÇ Ëã ÛÓáåÇ ÝãÖãÖ æÇÓÊäÔÞ æÛÓá æÌåå æÐÑÇÚíÉ Ëã ÕÈ Úáì ÑÃÓå æÃÝÇÖ Úáì ÌÓÏå Ëã ÊäÍì ÝÛÓá ÞÏãíå ÝäÇæáÊå ËæÈÇ Ýáã íÃÎÐå ÝÇäØáÞ æåæ íäÝÖ íÏíå
Hadeeth No. 277 - Narrated Aisha:

Whenever any one of us was Junub, she poured water over her head thrice with both her hands and then rubbed the right side of her head with one hand and rubbed the left side of the head with the other hand.

Hadeeth No. 278 - Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, 'The (people of) Bani Israel used to take bath naked (all together) looking at each other. The Prophet Moses used to take a bath alone. They said, 'By Allah! Nothing prevents Moses from taking a bath with us except that he has a scrotal hernia.' So once Moses went out to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then that stone ran away with his clothes. Moses followed that stone saying, "My clothes, O stone! My clothes, O stone! till the people of Bani Israel saw him and said, 'By Allah, Moses has got no defect in his body. Moses took his clothes and began to beat the stone." Abu Huraira added, "By Allah! There are still six or seven marks present on the stone from that excessive beating."

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "When the Prophet Job (Aiyub) was taking a bath naked, golden locusts began to fall on him. Job started collecting them in his clothes. His Lord addressed him, 'O Job! Haven't I given you enough so that you are not in need of them.' Job replied, 'Yes!' By Your Honor (power)! But I cannot dispense with Your Blessings.' "

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Hadeeth No. 279 - Narrated Um Hani bint Abi Talib:

I went to Allah's Apostle in the year of the conquest of Mecca and found him taking a bath while Fatima was screening him. The Prophet asked, "Who is it?" I replied, "I am Um-Hani."

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Hadeeth No. 280 - Narrated Maimuna:

I screened the Prophet while he was taking a bath of Janaba. He washed his hands, poured water from his right hand over his left and washed his private parts. Then he rubbed his hand over a wall or the earth, and performed ablution similar to that for the prayer but did not wash his feet. Then he poured water over his body, shifted from that place, and washed his feet.

ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏ Çááå Èä ãÓáãÉ Úä ãÇáß Úä ÃÈí ÇáäÖÑ ãæáì ÚãÑ Èä ÚÈíÏ Çááå Ãä ÃÈÇ ãÑÉ ãæáì Ãã åÇäÆ ÈäÊ ÃÈí ØÇáÈ ÃÎÈÑå Ãäå ÓãÚ Ãã åÇäÆ ÈäÊ ÃÈí ØÇáÈ ÊÞæá ÐåÈÊ Åáì ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÚÇã ÇáÝÊÍ ÝæÌÏÊå íÛÊÓá æÝÇØãÉ ÊÓÊÑå ÝÞÇá ãä åÐå ÝÞáÊ ÃäÇ Ãã åÇäÆ
Hadeeth No. 281 - Narrated Um-Salama:

(the mother of the believers) Um Sulaim, the wife of Abu Talha, came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Verily Allah is not shy of (telling you) the truth. Is it necessary for a woman to take a bath after she has a wet dream (nocturnal sexual discharge)?" Allah's Apostle replied, "Yes, if she notices a discharge."

ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏÇä ÞÇá ÃÎÈÑäÇ ÚÈÏ Çááå ÞÇá ÃÎÈÑäÇ ÓÝíÇä Úä ÇáÃÚãÔ Úä ÓÇáã Èä ÃÈí ÇáÌÚÏ Úä ßÑíÈ Úä Èä ÚÈÇÓ Úä ãíãæäÉ ÞÇáÊ ÓÊÑÊ ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã æåæ íÛÊÓá ãä ÇáÌäÇÈÉ ÝÛÓá íÏíå Ëã ÕÈ Èíãíäå Úáì ÔãÇáå ÝÛÓá ÝÑÌå æãÇ ÃÕÇÈå Ëã ãÓÍ ÈíÏå Úáì ÇáÍÇÆØ Ãæ ÇáÃÑÖ Ëã ÊæÖà æÖæÁå ááÕáÇÉ ÛíÑ ÑÌáíå Ëã ÃÝÇÖ Úáì ÌÓÏå ÇáãÇÁ Ëã ÊäÍì ÝÛÓá ÞÏãíå ÊÇÈÚå ÃÈæ ÚæÇäÉ æÇÈä ÝÖíá Ýí ÇáÓÊÑ
Hadeeth No. 282 - Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet came across me in one of the streets of Medina and at that time I was Junub. So I slipped away from him and went to take a bath. On my return the Prophet said, "O Abu Huraira! Where have you been?" I replied, "I was Junub, so I disliked to sit in your company." The Prophet said, "Subhan Allah! A believer never becomes impure."

ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏ Çááå Èä íæÓÝ ÞÇá ÃÎÈÑäÇ ãÇáß Úä åÔÇã Èä ÚÑæÉ Úä ÃÈíå Úä ÒíäÈ ÈäÊ ÃÈí ÓáãÉ Úä Ãã ÓáãÉ Ãã ÇáãÄãäíä ÃäåÇ ÞÇáÊ ÌÇÁÊ Ãã Óáíã ÇãÑÃÉ ÃÈí ØáÍÉ Åáì ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÝÞÇáÊ íÇ ÑÓæá Çááå Åä Çááå áÇ íÓÊÍí ãä ÇáÍÞ åá Úáì ÇáãÑÃÉ ãä ÛÓá ÅÐÇ åí ÇÍÊáãÊ ÝÞÇá ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã äÚã ÅÐÇ ÑÃÊ ÇáãÇÁ
Hadeeth No. 283 - Narrated Anas bin Malik:

The Prophet used to visit all his wives in one night and he had nine wives at that time.

ÍÏËäÇ Úáí Èä ÚÈÏ Çááå ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ íÍíì ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÍãíÏ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÈßÑ Úä ÃÈí ÑÇÝÚ Úä ÃÈí åÑíÑÉ Ãä ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã áÞíå Ýí ÈÚÖ ØÑíÞ ÇáãÏíäÉ æåæ ÌäÈ ÝÇäÎäÓÊ ãäå ÝÐåÈ ÝÇÛÊÓá Ëã ÌÇÁ ÝÞÇá Ãíä ßäÊ íÇ ÃÈÇ åÑíÑÉ ÞÇá ßäÊ ÌäÈÇ ÝßÑåÊ Ãä ÃÌÇáÓß æÃäÇ Úáì ÛíÑ ØåÇÑÉ ÝÞÇá ÓÈÍÇä Çááå Åä ÇáãÓáã áÇ íäÌÓ
Hadeeth No. 284 - Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle came across me and I was Junub He took my hand and I went along with him till he sat down I slipped away, went home and took a bath. When I came back. he was still sitting there. He then said to me, "O AbuHuraira! Where have you been?' I told him about it The Prophet said, "Subhan Allah! O Abu Huraira! A believer never becomes impure."

ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏ ÇáÃÚáì Èä ÍãÇÏ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ íÒíÏ Èä ÒÑíÚ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÓÚíÏ Úä ÞÊÇÏÉ Ãä ÃäÓ Èä ãÇáß ÍÏËåã Ãä äÈí Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ßÇä íØæÝ Úáì äÓÇÆå Ýí ÇááíáÉ ÇáæÇÍÏÉ æáå íæãÆÐ ÊÓÚ äÓæÉ
Hadeeth No. 285 - Narrated Abu Salama :

I asked 'Aisha "Did the Prophet use to sleep while he was Junub?" She replied, "Yes, but he used to perform ablution (before going to bed).

ÍÏËäÇ ÚíÇÔ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏ ÇáÃÚáì ÍÏËäÇ ÍãíÏ Úä ÈßÑ Úä ÃÈí ÑÇÝÚ Úä ÃÈí åÑíÑÉ ÞÇá áÞíäí ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã æÃäÇ ÌäÈ ÝÃÎÐ ÈíÏí ÝãÔíÊ ãÚå ÍÊì ÞÚÏ ÝÇäÓááÊ ÝÃÊíÊ ÇáÑÍá ÝÇÛÊÓáÊ Ëã ÌÆÊ æåæ ÞÇÚÏ ÝÞÇá Ãíä ßäÊ íÇ ÃÈÇ åÑ ÝÞáÊ áå ÝÞÇá ÓÈÍÇä Çááå íÇ ÃÈÇ åÑ Åä ÇáãÄãä áÇ íäÌÓ
Hadeeth No. 286 - Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab:

I asked Allah's Apostle "Can any one of us sleep while he is Junub?" He replied, "Yes, if he performs ablution, he can sleep while he is Junub."

ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ äÚíã ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ åÔÇã æÔíÈÇä Úä íÍíì Úä ÃÈí ÓáãÉ ÞÇá ÓÃáÊ ÚÇÆÔÉ ÃßÇä ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã íÑÞÏ æåæ ÌäÈ ÞÇáÊ äÚã æíÊæÖÃ
Hadeeth No. 287 - Narrated 'Aisha:

Whenever the Prophet intended to sleep while he was Junub, he used to wash his private parts and perform ablution like that for the prayer.

ÍÏËäÇ ÞÊíÈÉ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÇááíË Úä äÇÝÚ Úä Èä ÚãÑ Ãä ÚãÑ Èä ÇáÎØÇÈ ÓÃá ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÃíÑÞÏ ÃÍÏäÇ æåæ ÌäÈ ÞÇá äÚã ÅÐÇ ÊæÖà ÃÍÏßã ÝáíÑÞÏ æåæ ÌäÈ
Hadeeth No. 288 - Narrated 'Abdullah:

'Umar asked the Prophet "Can anyone of us sleep while he is Junub?" He replied, "Yes, if he performs ablution."

ÍÏËäÇ íÍíì Èä ÈßíÑ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÇááíË Úä ÚÈíÏ Çááå Èä ÃÈí ÌÚÝÑ Úä ãÍãÏ Èä ÚÈÏ ÇáÑÍãä Úä ÚÑæÉ Úä ÚÇÆÔÉ ÞÇáÊ ßÇä ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÅÐÇ ÃÑÇÏ Ãä íäÇã æåæ ÌäÈ ÛÓá ÝÑÌå æÊæÖà ááÕáÇÉ
Hadeeth No. 289 - Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

Umar bin Al-Khattab told Allah's Apostle, "I became Junub at night." Allah's Apostle replied, "Perform ablution after washing your private parts and then sleep."

ÍÏËäÇ ãæÓì Èä ÅÓãÇÚíá ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÌæíÑíÉ Úä äÇÝÚ Úä ÚÈÏ Çááå ÞÇá ÇÓÊÝÊì ÚãÑ ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÃíäÇã ÃÍÏäÇ æåæ ÌäÈ ÞÇá äÚã ÅÐÇ ÊæÖÃ
Hadeeth No. 290 - Narrated Hisham:

as the following Hadith.

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Hadeeth No. 291 - Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "When a man sits in between the four parts of a woman and did the sexual intercourse with her, bath becomes compulsory."

ÍÏËäÇ ãÚÇÐ Èä ÝÖÇáÉ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ åÔÇã Í æÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ äÚíã Úä åÔÇã Úä ÞÊÇÏÉ Úä ÇáÍÓä Úä ÃÈí åÑíÑÉ Úä ÇáäÈí Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÞÇá ÅÐÇ ÌáÓ Èíä ÔÚÈåÇ ÇáÃÑÈÚ Ëã ÌåÏåÇ ÝÞÏ æÌÈ ÇáÛÓá ÊÇÈÚå ÚãÑæ Èä ãÑÒæÞ Úä ÔÚÈÉ ãËáå æÞÇá ãæÓì ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈÇä ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÞÊÇÏÉ ÃÎÈÑäÇ ÇáÍÓä ãËáå
Hadeeth No. 292 - Narrated Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani:

I asked 'Uthman bin 'Affan about a man who engaged in the sexual intercourse with his wife but did not discharge. 'Uthman replied, "He should perform ablution like that for the prayer after washing his private parts." 'Uthman added, "I heard that from Allah's Apostle." I asked 'Ali bin Abi Talib, Az-Zubair bin Al-'Awwam, Talha bin 'Ubaidullah and Ubai bin Ka'b and a gave the same reply. (Abu Aiylub said that he had heard that from Allah's Apostle ) (This order was cancelled later on so one has to take a bath.)

ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈæ ãÚãÑ ÍÏËäÇ ÚÈÏ ÇáæÇÑË Úä ÇáÍÓíä ÞÇá íÍíì æÃÎÈÑäí ÃÈæ ÓáãÉ Ãä ÚØÇÁ Èä íÓÇÑ ÃÎÈÑå Ãä ÒíÏ Èä ÎÇáÏ ÇáÌåäí ÃÎÈÑå Ãäå ÓÃá ÚËãÇä Èä ÚÝÇä ÝÞÇá ÃÑÃíÊ ÅÐÇ ÌÇãÚ ÇáÑÌá ÇãÑÃÊå Ýáã íãä ÞÇá ÚËãÇä íÊæÖà ßãÇ íÊæÖà ááÕáÇÉ æíÛÓá ÐßÑå ÞÇá ÚËãÇä ÓãÚÊå ãä ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã ÝÓÃáÊ Úä Ðáß Úáí Èä ÃÈí ØÇáÈ æÇáÒÈíÑ Èä ÇáÚæÇã æØáÍÉ Èä ÚÈíÏ Çááå æÃÈí Èä ßÚÈ ÑÖí Çááå Úäåã ÝÃãÑæå ÈÐáß ÞÇá íÍíì æÃÎÈÑäí ÃÈæ ÓáãÉ Ãä ÚÑæÉ Èä ÇáÒÈíÑ ÃÎÈÑå Ãäå ÓãÚ Ðáß ãä ÑÓæá Çááå Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã
Hadeeth No. 293 - Narrated Ubai bin Ka'b:

I asked Allah's Apostle about a man who engages in sexual intercourse with his wife but does not discharge. He replied, "He should wash the parts which comes in contact with the private parts of the woman, perform ablution and then pray." (Abu 'Abdullah said, "Taking a bath is safer and is the last order.")

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