An Explanation of the Truth of Monotheism A truly excellent treatise, well written, brief and concise and a comprehensive treatment of the subject of the Tawheed that the Messengers were sent with. A must read.
Frequently Asked Questions on Islaam and the Muslims: Part 5 A more detailed look at what forms the foundation for Islaam, `Tawheed` (Monotheism) and also what contradicts it, alongside citations from the Qur'aan to illustrate the concepts.
The Second Pillar : Prayer in the Life Of A Muslim An introduction for Non-Muslims to the second pillar of Islaam, Prayer and how it permeates into all arenas of a Muslims daily life at the individual and communal level.
Misconception: Muslims Hate Jesus One of the tacts of the extremist Christian jihadists, to inform their loyal followers that Muslims are the enemies of Jesus!
Misconception: Islam is Fatalistic A reply to the confusion about pre-destination (qadr) that is often made an issue by non-muslims and used to describe Islam as fatalistic.
Why Two Women Witnesses? A detailed look at the wisdom behind the requirement of two women witnesses in issues of monetary obligations.
Shaikh Salih as-Suhaymee on Recent Events in the US Shaikh Salih as-Suhaymee, of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, addresses the issues of Islaam and terrorism, in light of the recent events that took place in the US.
Shaikh Muqbil Interview with Yemen Times An interview with Shaikh Muqbil during 2000 which clarifies the nature of the Shaikh's dawah, his education camps, and his refutation of terrorism and violence as a means to effect soceital change.