Almighty God - the Most High - said. "Say: 'Whose is the earth and all that is
in it, if you do indeed know?' They will say: 'It belongs to God.' Say: 'Will you not then
remember?' Say: 'Who is the Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the great Throne?' They
will say: 'God.' Say: 'Will you not then fear Him?"48 So not
everyone who affirms that Almighty God is the Lord of everything and is its Creator, will
be a worshipper of Him to the exclusion of everything else - calling upon Him alone,
hoping in Him alone, having fear of Him alone, forming allegiance and enmity for Him,
obeying His Messengers, ordering what He orders and forbidding what He forbade."49
In Conclusion
Shaykh 'Abdul-Qaadir al-Jeelaanee (died 561H) said: "So it is upon you to fear God - the
Mighty and Majestic - and not to fear anyone else except Him. Turn to God - the
Mighty and Majestic - for your every need, and rely upon Him alone - the Most High
- seeking that which you need from Him alone. Do not rely upon anyone other than Almighty
God. And Tawheed - all is contained in Tawheed."50