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The Khawarij
  The Khawarij are the Murji'ah
Author: Abdul Malik Ahmad Ibn al-Mubarak ar-Ramadani
Source: Madarik un-Nadhr (with additions. trans Abu Iyaad)
Article ID : GSC020001  [41316]  
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[6] Reported by Abdullah bin Ahmad in as-Sunnah (644), al-Khallaal in as-Sunnah (1230), Ibn al-A’rabi in his Mu’jam (714), Abul-Qasim al-Baghawi in al-Ja’diyat (1061), Ibn Battah in al-Ibanah (1235), al-Lalikaa’ee in Usul ul-I’tiqad (1841) and it is Hasan.

[7] Reported by al-Khallaal in as-Sunnah (1061), al-Aajurree in ash-Sharee’ah (p.139) and others. Something similar is also reported by Ibn Shahin in al-Kitab al-Latif (16) and al-Lalikaa’ee in Usul ul-I’tiqad (1835). The apparent disconnection in the chain of its Athar does not do it any damage since something similar to it has come with a connected and saheeh chain in Tahdhib ul-Aathar of at-Tabari (1519) and something similar has also been mentioned from Sufyan. Refer to al-Hilyah of Abu Nu’aym (7/33) and al-Abaateel of Jawzjaani (42).

[8] The cassette "Manhaj al-Muwaazanaat" by Tasjeelaat at-Tayyibah of Medinah an-Nabawiyyah.

[9] Just like some from the Ikhwan ul-Muslimeen who were nurtured upon Salafiyyah but their hizbiyyah prevents them from clarifying and explaining the Salafi aqidah and which orders them with partisanship to a particular madhhab and which also prevents them from showing the people from looking at what is in the other madhhabs of the Sunnah. This is because this would cause a split in the ranks according to their philosophy!

[10] Refer to the words of Hasan al-Banna in Mudhakkiraat ad-Da’wah wad-Daa’iyah (p.64-65) concerning the necessity of remaining silent about the well known differences in the issues of aqidah such as the gatherings of the various Sufi orders, tawassul through the righteous, and making supplications through the dead! And he says at the end of it, "And the Muslims have differed over these matters for hundreds of years, and they will never cease to differ. And Allaah, the Blessed and Most High is pleased with love (amongst ourselves) and unity."!!

[11] Such as the Ikhwan who say, "We criticise the innovation but we do not rebuke the one who commits it (or brings it)! And we dislike the innovation, but we do not hate its doer!!"

[12] Such as the Ikhwan who say, "Speaking about the Sunnah is trivial. And speaking about the Names of Allaah and His Attributes is [but] philosophy and it is a waste of time"!!

[13] Such as the Ikhwan, for you will "Consider them to be united, yet their hearts are dispersed, separated" since amongst them are the Sufis with all their different tariqahs, the Ash’ari, the Maturidi, the Rafidi, the Jahmi and the Mu’tazili.

[14] Majmu’ ul-Fatawa (16/427) and refer to Bada’i ut-Tafsir of Ibn al-Qayyim (5/548)

[15] As for Ikhwan ul-Mufliseen, then they stated in al-Mujtama’ (dated 30th Dhil Qa’dah 1415), "Our position with respect to our brothers, the Christians in Egypt and the Arab world is clear and one that is quite old and well known: What is due to them is what is due to us and what is binding upon them is what is binding upon us. They are our partners in this land. In our long struggle in this land, they are our brethren and they have every right in the land, both the material and the spiritual, religious or political… and whoever states anything other than this then we are free of him and of what he says"!!!

And they also made the Islamic Shura council as a sister to the democracy of the Kuffar, saying, "And when Shura has its own special meaning in the view of Islam, then it is in essence equivalent to the rules of democracy (nidham al-demoqratee)".

And this declaration of theirs also contains a request to the government to abide by the secular laws, not the Shari’ah. They said, "With the persistence of the Ikhwaan in requesting the government that it should not face harshness with harshness, and that it should adhere to the secular rules and judgements (akham al-qanoon wal-qadaa)."

Rather, they are satisfied and pleased with this for themselves as they stated further, "However they (the Ikhwan), continued and persisted in their adherence to the secular constitution and laws (ahkam ad-dustoor wal-qanoon)…."

And they did not say this out of taqiyah (dissimulation), but rather out of satisfaction, as they themselves have witnessed against their own souls stating further, "And the [underlying] issue in all of this, is not political and nor a manoeuvre, but it is an issue of religion and creed (din wa aqidah), and upon which the Ikhwan will meet their Lord, "The day that wealth and sons shall not benefit. Except he who comes with a sound and pure heart"

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